Shadow Play
Shadow Play is one of mankind’s oldest type of entertainment and one of the most loved. Humans chose the most abundant, yet a very complex medium, light to tell stories. Shadow Play in itself is an amalgamation of storytelling, illustrating, and curating. At times, multiple layers are required to cast a single shadow, and to make it, the skill to mentally envision the materials required, how they would come together, and how they would work together are required.
Out to Sea
Out to Sea is a short performance. Matching the character of shadow-play, which has always been welcoming to other mediums, this project used everything from Blender to practical tools to help tell a simple story of a man going out to fish. The first half combines live performance with pre-recorded footage. The environment up till the crash was illustrated on a scroll of clear acetate using. We used an overhead projector to project and record the moving environment. The sequence after the crash is a collaboration between the practical and the digital. Most of the environment remained hand-drawn, however digital animations using Blender were layered over. This project was the beginning of an exploration to shadow and light, and its possibilities for collaboration.
Detail: Sumi Ink on clear acetate for the background, found materials were used to make props, Animation was in Blender. Projected onto a 7 x 7” screen.w